Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Building Domain Value

READER Q: I want to build the value of my domains with traffic and page rank before I sell them. I would like to do that with blogging. My topics are guitar, creative writing, video games, music, art, and working out. Do you think these are topics that will get any traffic?

DOMAINARY A: Here's a blog that was started by a woman who wrote about two things - knitting and divorce: Would 100 people want to read about knitting? Or divorce? Not at first. But she put her own personality and passion into it, and she got a few loyal followers. Today she has about 20,000 pageviews per day AND she got offered a publishing contract based on the content of her blog.

So the moral of this story is... focus on what you like the most and can have the most fun with, let your own unique personality shine, and let word of mouth work its internet magic!

Also, here's a way that you can build your blog and make money at the same time... Check out this PayPerPost website. Some really interesting opportunities here.

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